What You Need When You Workout?
Hitting the gym for workout is always a fun activity. It relieves stress, can be great leisure time, and more importantly, allows the body to gain physical strength. But going for workout is not just lifting bars and doing push ups. It also requires you to bring necessary items as you head into the gym to make your journey to being physically fit more fruitful and more gratifying.
Ido Fishman Fit came up with the lists of essential things you need as you start your fitness regime, all straight from Ido Fishman trainers themselves.
1. BAG. Of course, there would be no place for your things without the bag itself. A small, fashionable bag will do to rock that gym vibes.
2. Shoes. One part of the body that needs protection is your feet. You need to be able to protect them to avoid injuries.
3. Fuel. Energy is an indispensable element in workouts and trainings. Food such as banana, which is rich in potassium, plus water with salt, can be great source of power.
4. Notepad/Tablet. You need to record the requirements and procedures of your training. A notepad or a tablet for techy gym goers, would keep track of your sets of exercise for present and future use.
5. Mobile Phone. This is important for recording the amount of calories burned, your heart rate, the steps made, and sometimes for recording the exercise in a video.
6. Training gears. Your body needs protection so you need to wear gloves and head gears.
7. Outfit. What a better way to enjoy the gym than wearing comfortable sweat shirts and loose shorts.
8. Toiletries. Maintaining your hygiene is very important because there will be much sweat released from your body. You need to provide towel, shampoo, conditioner, and oap to prevent the spread of bacteria.
There you have it! Ido Fishman trainers really take training into the next level. But without these things, it would be impossible.