Want to live longer? Do strength training with Ido Fishman Fit
Regular physical activity helps with attaining good health and minimizing the risk of catching a lot of diseases. It helps you live a longer and healthier life.
Exercise, for a lot of us, means walking, jogging and other activities to get the heart working harder. However the importance of strength-building exercises is almost always ignored. Once you reach the ripe old age of 50 and above, strength training is crucial to maintain the ability to do most of everyday activities while having an independent lifestyle.
On average, a 30-year-old person will lose about 25 percent of his or her muscle strength by the time they reach 70 and about 50 percent when they reach 90. “Just doing aerobic exercise is not adequate,” claims Dr. Robert Schreiber, a Senior Life physician-in-chief and a Harvard Medical School instructor in medicine. “Unless you are doing strength training, you will become weaker and less functional,” he warns.
What is strength training?
Strength training comprises any of the following activities:
• Free weights, like barbells and dumbbells
• Ankle cuffs and vests with varying weights
• Resistance (elastic) bands with different lengths and tensions that you stretch with the use of your arms and legs
• Exercises that make use of the weight of your body to generate resistance against gravity
How much exercise does one need?
For beginners, a minimum of around 20 minutes thrice a week should be enough but it is always best to consult a professional trainer. You don’t have to sweat excessively as well. Ido Fishman Fit Training Programs help you develop your body adequately to be able to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is crucial to perform the exercises in the correct manner and be consistent with the program.
With the help of Ido Fishman Fit you will see significant improvement in no time at all. Want to know more about Ido Fishman Fit? Be sure to like Ido Fishman’s Facebook page!